• Itzhak-Israeli PS, Yael H, Matsree E, Pe'er-Nissan H, Ofer Lancman S, Barnea R, Luboshits G, Motiei M, Betzer O, Gispan I, Popovtzer R, Anker Y, Firer MA, Yadid G. A novel delta opioid receptor specific peptide reduces craving in an animal model of cocaine seeking. Addiction Neuroscience 12, 100159, 2024
  • Anaki A, Tzror-Azankot C, Motiei M, Sadan T, Popovtzer R. Impact of synthesis methods on the functionality of antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticles for targeted therapy. Nanoscale Advances, Sept 2024 (ePub ahead of print).
  • Anchordoquy T, Artzi N, Balyasnikova IV, Barenholz Y, La-Beck NM, Brenner JS, Chan WCW, Decuzzi P, Exner AA, Gabizon A, Godin B, Lai SK, Lammers T, Mitchell MJ, Moghimi SM, Muzykantov VR, Peer D, Nguyen J, Popovtzer R, Ricco M, Serkova NJ, Singh R, Schroeder A, Schwendeman AA, Straehla JP, Teesalu T, Tilden S, Simberg D. Mechanisms and Barriers in Nanomedicine: Progress in the Field and Future Directions. ACS Nano. 2024 Jun 4;18(22):13983-13999.
  • Caller T, Rotem I, Shaihov-Teper O, Lendengolts D, Schary Y, Shai R, Glick-Saar E, Dominissini D, Motiei M, Katzir I, Popovtzer R, Nahmoud M, Boomgarden A, D’Souza-Schorey C, Naftali-Shani N and Leor J. Small Extracellular Vesicles From Infarcted and Failing Heart Accelerate Tumor Growth. Circulation, 149(22):1729-1748, 2024.
  • Sharon, Y., Motiei, M., Tzror-Azankot, C., Sadan T., Popovtzer R*., Rosenbaum E*. A ‘golden’ alternative for prevention of cisplatin nephrotoxicity in bladder cancer. Cancer Nanotechnology 14, 72 (2023).
  • Lipengolts AA, Finogenova YA, Skribitsky VA, Shpakova KE, Anaki A, Motiei M, Semkina AS, Abakumov MA, Smirnova AV, Grigorieva EY, Popovtzer R. CT and MRI Imaging of Theranostic Bimodal Fe3O4@Au NanoParticles in Tumor Bearing Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(1):70.
  • Pe’er-Nissan H, Ahdoot-Levi H, Betzer O, Itzhak PS, Shraga-Heled N, Gispan I, Motiei M, Doroshev A, Anker Y, Popovtzer R, Ofir R, Yadid G. Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal-like Adherent Stromal Cells as an Effective Cell Therapy for Cocaine Addiction in a Rat Model. Pharmaceutics. 2022; 14(7):1311.
  • Tzror-Azankot C,Adi Anaki A, Sadan T, Motiei M and Popovtzer R. Phosphate-Trapping Liposomes for Long-Term Management of Hyperphosphatemia. Materials 15(21): 7779, 2022.
  • Gal O, Betzer O, Rousso-Noori L, Sadan T, Motiei M, Nikitin M, Friedmann-Morvinski D, Popovtzer R, Popovtzer A. Antibody Delivery into the Brain by Radiosensitizer Nanoparticles for Targeted Glioblastoma Therapy. J. Nanotheranostics, 3(4), 177-188, 2022.
  • Betzer O, Gao Y, Shamul A, Motiei M, Sadan T, Yehuda R, Atkins A, Cohen CJ, Shen M, Shi X, Popovtzer R. Multifunctional nanoprobe for real-time in vivo monitoring of T cell activation, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, Vol 46, 102596, 2022.
  • X Liu, Y Hao, R Popovtzer, L Feng, Z Liu, Construction of enzyme nanoreactors to enable tumor microenvironment modulation and enhanced cancer treatment. Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 (5), 2001167, 2021
  • Shamalov K, Meir R, Motiei M, Popovtzer R*, and Cohen CJ*. Noninvasive Tracking of Natural Killer Cells Using Gold Nanoparticles. ACS Omega 6, 43, 28507–28514, 2021.
  • Beiderman M, Ashkenazy A, Segal E, Motiei M, Salomon A, Sadan T, Fixler D, Popovtzer R. Optimization of Gold Nanorods Features for Enhanced Performance of Plasmonic Nanocavity Arrays. ACS Omega 6, 43, 29071–29077, 2021.
  • Rui Zhang, Liang Cheng, Ziliang Dong, Linqian Hou, Shaohua Zhang, Zhouqi Meng, Oshra Betzer, Yihua Wang, Rachela Popovtzer, and Zhuang Liu. Ultra-small natural product based coordination polymer nanodots for acute kidney injury relief. Mater. Horiz., 2021,8, 1314-1322
  • Cohen O, Betzer O, Elmaliach-Pnini N, Motiei M, Sadan T, Cohen-Berkman M, Dagan O, Popovtzer A, Yosepovich A, Barhom H, Michaeli S, Popovtzer R. 'Golden' exosomes as delivery vehicles to target tumors and overcome intratumoral barriers: in vivo tracking in a model for head and neck cancer. Biomater Sci, 9, 2103-2114, 2021.
  • Tzror-Azankot C, Betzer O, Sadan T, Motiei M, Rahimipour S, Atkins A, Popovtzer A, and Popovtzer R. Glucose-Functionalized Liposomes for Reducing False Positives in Cancer Diagnosis. ACS Nano 15, 1, 1301–1309; 2021.
  • Beiderman M, Ashkenazy A, Segal E, Barnoy E, Motiei M, Sadan T, Salomon A, Rahimipour S, Fixler D, and Popovtzer R. Gold Nanorod-Based Bio-Barcode Sensor Array for Enzymatic Detection in Biomedical Applications. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3 (8), 8414–8423, 2020
  • Lepeltier E, Rijo P, Rizzolio F, Popovtzer R, Petrikaite VP, Assaraf YG, Passirani C. Nanomedicine to Target Multidrug Resistant Tumors. Drug Resist Updat. 2020 May 25;52:100704.
  • Barnoy EA, Popovtzer R, Fixler D. Fluorescence for Biological Logic Gates. Journal of Biophotonics, 13(9), e202000158, 2020.
  • Hsu JC, Nieves LM, Betzer O, Sadan T, Noël PB, Popovtzer R, Cormode DP. Nanoparticle contrast agents for X-ray imaging applications. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol 22; e1642, 2020.
  • Chen M, Betzer O, Fan Y, Gao Y, Shen M, Sadan T, Popovtzer R*, Shi X*. Multifunctional Dendrimer-Entrapped Gold Nanoparticles for Labeling and Tracking T Cells Via Dual-Modal Computed Tomography and Fluorescence Imaging. Biomacromolecules 2020, 21, 4, 1587-1595
  • Haimov-Talmoud E, Harel Y, Schori H, Motiei M, Atkins A, Popovtzer R, Lellouche JP, Shefi O. Magnetic Targeting of mTHPC To Improve the Selectivity and Efficiency of Photodynamic Therapy. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 11(49):45368-45380, 2019.
  • Barnoy EA, Motiei M, Tzror C, Rahimipour S, Popovtzer R, Fixler D. Biological Logic Gate Using Gold Nanoparticles and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy. ACS Appl. Nano Mater 2, 6527-6536, 2019.
  • Betzer O, Barnoy E, Sadan T, Elbaz I, Braverman C, Liu Z, Popovtzer R. Advances in imaging strategies for in vivo tracking of exosomes. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 12(2), e1594, 2019.
  • Guo S, Perets N, Betzer O, Ben-Shaul S, Sheinin A, Michaelevski I, Popovtzer R, Offen D, Levenberg S. Intranasal Delivery of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived Exosomes Loaded with Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog siRNA Repairs Complete Spinal Cord Injury. ACS Nano, Sep 24;13(9):10015-10028, 2019.
  • Y Chemla, O Betzer, A Markus, N Farah, M Motiei, R Popovtzer, Y Mandel. Gold nanoparticles for multimodal high-resolution imaging of transplanted cells for retinal replacement therapy. Nanomedicine 14(14), 1857-1871, 2019
  • Feng L, Oshra Betzer O, Tao D, Sadan T, Popovtzer R, Liu Z. Oxygen Nano-shuttles for Tumor Oxygenation and Enhanced Cancer Treatment. CCS Chem 1(3) 239-250, 2019.
  • Gong F, Cheng L, Yang N, Betzer O, Feng L, Zhou Q, Li Y, Chen R, Popovtzer R, Liu Z. Ultrasmall Oxygen-Deficient Bimetallic Oxide MnWOX Nanoparticles for Depletion of Endogenous GSH and Enhanced Sonodynamic Cancer Therapy. Adv Mater. 2019 Apr 12:e1900730. doi: 10.1002/adma.201900730.
  • Perets, N; Betzer, O; Shapira, R; Brenstein, S; Angel, A; Sadan, T; Ashery, U; Popovtzer, R; Offen, D. Golden Exosomes Selectively Target Brain Pathologies in Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Nano Letters, 19(6), 3422-3431, 2019.
  • Motiei, M; Dreifuss, T; Sadan, T; Omer, N; Katzir, T; Fragogeorgi, E; Loudos, G; Popovtzer, R ; Ben-Eliezer, N. Trimodal Nanoparticle Contrast Agent for CT, MRI and SPECT imaging: Synthesis and Characterization of Radiolabeled Core/Shell Iron Oxide@Gold Nanoparticles. Chemistry Letters, Vol.48, No.3, 2019.
  • D Tsvirkun, Y Ben-Nun, E Merquiol, I Zlotver, K Meir, T Weiss-Sadan, I Matok, R Popovtzer, G Blum. CT Imaging of Enzymatic Activity in Cancer Using Covalent Probes Reveal a Size-Dependent Pattern. Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (38), 12010-12020, 2018
  • Bier A, Berenstein P, Kronfeld N, Morgoulis D, Ziv-Av A, Goldstein H, Kazimirsky G, Cazacu S, Meir R, Popovtzer R, Dori A, Brodie C. Placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells and their exosomes exert therapeutic effects in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Biomaterials. 174:67-78, 2018.
  • Motiei M, Sadan T, Zilony N, Topaz G, Popovtzer R, Topaz M. Gold nanoparticles for tracking bacteria clearance by regulated irrigation and negative pressure-assisted wound therapy. Nanomedicine, 13(15):1835-1945, 2018.
  • Dreifuss T, Ben-Gal TS, Shamalov K, Weiss A, Jacob A, Sadan T, Menachem Motiei M, and Popovtzer R. Uptake Mechanism of Metabolic-Targeted Gold Nanoparticles. Nanomedicine 13(13):1535-1549, 2018
  • Sadan T, Cormode D, Popovtzer R. Nanoinformatics Revolutionizes Personalized Cancer Therapy; Trends in Cancer, Volume 4, Issue 6, p397–399, June 2018.
  • Barnoy EA, Popovtzer R, Fixler D. Implementing biological logic gates using gold nanoparticles conjugated to fluorophores. Proc. SPIE 10506, Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XV, 105060W, 2018; doi: 10.1117/12.2287097
  • Gaikwad HK, Tsvirkun D, Ben-Nun Y, Merquiol E, Popovtzer R, Blum G, Molecular Imaging of Cancer Using X-ray Computed Tomography with Protease Targeted Iodinated Activity-Based Probes. Nano Letters 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b03813
  • Meir R, Shamalov K, Sadan T, Motiei M, Yaari G, Cohen CJ, and Popovtzer R. Fast Image-Guided Stratification Using Anti-Programmed Death Ligand 1 Gold Nanoparticles for Cancer Immunotherapy. ACS Nano, 2017, 28;11(11):11127-11134.
  • Davidi ES, Dreifuss T, Motiei M, Shai E, Bragilovski D, Lubimov L, Kindler MJJ, Popovtzer A, Don J, Popovtzer R. Cisplatin conjugated gold nanoparticles as a theranostic agent for head and neck cancer. Head and Neck 2017, Jan;40(1):70-78.
  • Hazkani I, Motiei M, Betzer O, Sadan T, Bragilovski D, Lubimov L, Mizrachi A, Hadar T, Levi M, Ben-Aharon I, Haviv I, Popovtzer R, Popovtzer A. Can molecular profiling enhance radiotherapy? Impact of personalized targeted gold nanoparticles on radiosensitivity and imaging of adenoid cystic carcinoma. Theranostics 2017; 7(16):3962-3971. doi:10.7150/thno.19615
  • Betzer O, Perets N, Angel A, Motiei M, Sadan T, Yadid G, Offen D, and Popovtzer R. In Vivo Neuroimaging of Exosomes Using Gold Nanoparticles. ACS Nano, 2017, 28;11(11):10883-10893.
  • Betzer O, Shilo M, Opochinsky R, Barnoy E, Motiei M, Okun E, Yadid G, Popovtzer R. The effect of nanoparticle size on the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier: an in vivo study. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2017 Jul;12(13):1533-1546.
  • Meir R, Popovtzer R. Cell tracking using gold nanoparticles and computed tomography imaging. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. 10(2), e1480, 2018. doi: 10.1002/wnan.1480.
  • Barnoy EA, Popovtzer R, Fixler D. Development of a molecular bioswitch using fluorescence lifetime imaging: Incremental activation of fluorescein diacetate. J Biophotonics. 2017 Jul 12, doi: 10.1002/jbio.201700084.
  • Shwartz A, Betzer O, Kronfeld N, Kazimirsky G, Cazacu S, Finniss S, Lee HK, Motiei M, Dagan SY, Popovtzer R, Brodie C, Yadid G. Therapeutic Effect of Astroglia-like Mesenchymal Stem Cells Expressing Glutamate Transporter in a Genetic Rat Model of Depression.
    Theranostics. 2017 Jul 6;7(10):2690-2703.
  • J Kim, P Chhour, J Hsu, HI Litt, VA Ferrari, R Popovtzer, DP Cormode. Use of Nanoparticle Contrast Agents for Cell Tracking with Computed Tomography. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2017 Jun 21;28(6):1581-1597.
  • Meir R, Betzer O, Motiei M, Kronfeld N, Brodie C, Popovtzer R, Design principles for noninvasive, longitudinal and quantitative cell tracking with nanoparticle-based CT imaging. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 13, 421 – 429, 2017
  • Vegerhof A, Barnoy EA, Motiei M, Malka D, Danan Y, Zalevsky Z and Popovtzer R, "Targeted Magnetic Nanoparticles for Mechanical Lysis of Tumor Cells by Low-Amplitude Alternating Magnetic Field". Materials, 9 (11), 943, 2016.
  • Vegerhof A, Motei M, Rudinzky A, Malka D, Popovtzer R, Zalevsky Z, "Thermal Therapy with Magnetic Nanoparticles for Cell Destruction". Biomed Opt Express, Oct 17;7(11):4581-4594, 2016
  • Menachem Motiei, Tamar Dreifuss, Oshra Betzer, Hana Panet, Aron Popovtzer, Jordan Santana, Galith Abourbeh, Eyal Mishani, and Rachela Popovtzer; “Differentiating Between Cancer and Inflammation: A Metabolic-Based Method for Functional Computed Tomography Imaging” ACS nano. 10 (3), pp 3469–3477, 2016.
  • Aron Popovtzer, Aviram Mizrahi, Menachem Motiei, Dimitri Bragilovski, Leon Lubimov, Mattan Levy, Ohad Hilly, Irit Ben Aharon, and Rachela Popovtzer; " Actively targeted gold nanoparticles as novel radiosensitizer agents: in vivo head and neck cancer model". Nanoscale 8, 2678 - 2685, 2016.
  • Adi Vegerhof , Arkady Rudinzky, Yevgeny Beiderman, Hamootal Duadi, Rachela Popovtzer and Zeev Zalevsky; “Manipulated magnetic nano particles for Photonic biomedical mapping”. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, October 2015.
  • Malka Shilo, Peter Berenstein, Tamar Dreifuss, Yuval Nash, Guy Goldsmith, Gila Kazimirsky, Menachem Motiei, Dan Frenkel, Chaya Brodie and Rachela Popovtzer; “Insulin-Coated Gold Nanoparticles as a New Concept for Personalized and Adjustable Glucose Regulation”. Nanoscale, 7, 20489 - 20496, 2015.
  • O. Betzer, R. Meir, T. Dreifuss, K. Shamalov, M. Motiei, A. Shwartz, K. Baranes, C. J. Cohen, N. Shraga-Heled, R. Ofir, G. Yadid & R. Popovtzer; “In-vitro Optimization of Nanoparticle-Cell Labeling Protocols”. Scientific Reports, 5, Article no. 15400, 2015.
  • Eran A. Barnoy, Dror Fixler, Rachela Popovtzer, Tsviya Nayhoz and Krishanu Ray; “An ultra-sensitive dual imaging system of diffusion reflection and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy using metal enhanced fluorescence in solid phantoms”. Nano Research, 8 (12), 3912-3921, 2015.
  • Shmulik Schwartz, Dror Fixler, Rachela Popovtzer, and Orit Shefi: “Fluorescence life-time imaging and steady state polarization for examining binding of fluorophores to gold nanoparticles”. Journal of Biophotonics, 8, No. 11–12, 944–951, 2015.
  • Malka Shilo , Anat Sharon , Koby Baranes , Menachem Motiei , Jean-Paul M Lellouche and Rachela Popovtzer; " The effect of nanoparticle size on the probability to cross the blood-brain barrier: an in-vitro endothelial cell model". Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 13:19, 2015.
  • Oshra Betzer, Rinat Ankri, Menachem Motiei and Rachela Popovtzer; “Theranostic approach for cancer treatment: multifunctional Gold nanorods for optical imaging and photothermal therapy” Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015
  • Tamar Dreifuss, Oshra Betzer, Malka Shilo, Aron Popovtzer, Menachem Motiei and Rachela Popovtzer; A Challenge for Theranostics: Is the Optimal Particle for Therapy Also Optimal for Diagnostics?; Nanoscale 7, 15175-15184, 2015.
  • Meir R, Shamalov K, Betzer O, Motiei M, Yehuda R, Popovtzer A, Popovtzer R* and Cohen CJ*, Nanomedicine for Cancer Immunotherapy: Tracking Cancer-Specific T-cells in vivo with Gold Nanoparticles and CT Imaging, ACS Nano, 9 (6), 6363-6372, 2015
  • Rinat Meir, Menachem Motiei & Rachela Popovtzer; "Gold nanoparticles for in vivo cell tracking" Nanomedicine, DOI 10.2217/nnm.14.129, 2014.
  • O. Betzer, A. Shwartz, M. Motiei, G. Kazimirsky, I. Gispan, E. Damti, C. Brodie, G. Yadid and R. Popovtzer; "Nanoparticle-Based CT Imaging Technique for Longitudinal and Quantitative Stem Cell Tracking within the Brain: Application in Neuropsychiatric Disorders" ACS Nano DOI: 10.1021/nn503131h, 8 (9), 9274-9285, 2014.
  • Rachela Popovtzer; “Biomedical applications of gold nanomaterials; Nanomedicine 9, (13), 1903-1904, 2014.
  • R. Ankri, D. Leshem-Lev, D. Fixler, R. Popovtzer, M. Motiei, R. Kornowski, E. Hochhauser, E. I Lev “Gold Nanorods as Absorption Contrast Agents for the Noninvasive Detection of Arterial Vascular Disorders Based on Diffusion Reflection Measurements”. NanoLetters, 14, 5, 2681-2687, 2014.
  • Malka Shilo, Menachem Motiei, Panet Hana and Rachela Popovtzer; Transport of Nanoparticles through the Blood-Brain Barrier for Imaging and Therapeutic Applications; Nanoscale, 6 (4), 2146 – 2152, 2014.
  • Rinat Ankri, Dolev Peretz, Menachem Motiei, Osnat Sella-Tavor and Rachela Popovtzer; New optical method for enhanced detection of colon cancer by capsule endoscopy; Nanoscale; 5, 9806-9811, 2013.
  • Taeyjuana Y. Curry, Raoul Kopelman, Malka Shilo and Rachela Popovtzer; Multifunctional Theranostic Gold Nanoparticles for Targeted CT Imaging and Photothermal Therapy; Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging, 9 (1) 53-61, 2013.
  • H. Duadi, D. Fixler and R. Popovtzer; Dependence of Light Scattering profile in Tissue on Blood Vessel Diameter and Distribution - a Computer Simulation Study. Journal of Biomedical Optics, (18) 11, Article Number: 111408 Published: Nov 2013.
  • Rinat Ankri, Amihai Meiri, Shemuel I. Lau, Menachem Motiei, Rachela Popovtzer, Dror Fixler; Intercoupling surface plasmon resonance and diffusion reflection measurements for real-time cancer detection. Journal of Biophotonics, 6 (2), 188-196 2013.
  • Kobi Jakobsohn, Menachem Motiei, Moshe Sinvani and Rachela Popovtzer; Towards Real Time Detection of Tumor Margins Using Photothermal Imaging of Immune-targeted Gold Nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 4707 - 4713 2012.
  • Vital Peretz, Menachem Motiei, Chaim Sukenik, and Rachela Popovtzer, The effect of nanoparticle size on cellular binding probability. Journal of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, vol 2012, 1-7, 2012.
  • Rinat Ankri, Vital Peretz, Menachem Motiei, Rachela Popovtzer and Dror Fixler; A new method for cancer detection based on diffusion reflection measurements of targeted gold nanorods: International Journal of Nanomedicine; 449-455, 2012.
  • Malka Shilo, Tobi Reuveni, Menachem Motiei and Rachela Popovtzer, Nanoparticles as computed tomography contrast agents: current status and future perspectives; review paper (invited). Nanomedicine. 257-269, 2012.
  • Reuveni T, Motiei. M., Romman Z, Popovtzer A, Popovtzer R. Targeted gold nanoparticles enable molecular CT imaging of cancer: an in vivo study. International Journal of Nanomedicine; 1-6, 2011.
  • Y. Shacham-Diamand, S. Belkin , J. Rishpon, T. Elad, S. Melamed, A. Biran, S. Yagur-Kroll, R. Almog, R. Daniel, H. Ben-Yoav , A. Rabner , S. Vernick , N. Elman and R. Popovtzer; “Optical and Electrical Interfacing Technologies for Living Cell Bio-Chips”, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 376-383, 2010.
  • Rachela Popovtzer, Ashish Agrawal, Nicholas A. Kotov, Aron Popovtzer, James Balter, Thomas. E. Carey and Raoul Kopelman. “Targeted Gold Nanoparticles enable Molecular CT Imaging of Cancer”. NanoLetters, 8 (12) Pages: 4593-4596, 2008.
  • R. Popovtzer, T. Neufeld, A. Popovtzer, I. Rivkin, R. Margalit, D. Engel, A. Nudelman, A. Rephaeli, J. Rishpon and Y.Shacham-Diamand "Electrochemical lab on a chip for high-throughput analysis of anticancer drugs efficiency"; Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine; 4 (2): 121-126, 2008.
  • Rachela Popovtzer, Ashish Agrawal, Nicholas A. Kotov, Aron Popovtzer, James Balter, Thomas. E. Carey and Raoul Kopelman "Gold Nano-Probes as Targeted CT Contrast Agents for In-vivo cancer Imaging" NSTI Nanotech , VOL 2, Technical Proceeding: 5-7, 2008.
  • Rachela Popovtzer, Tova Neufeld, Ilia Rivkin, Rimona margalit, Dikla Engel, Abraham Nudelman, Ada Rephaeli, Judith Rishpon and Yosi Shacham-Diamand. “High-Throughput Detection of Colon Cancer Cells Response to Different Drug Treatments”. Nanomedicine 4 (2): 121-126 June 2008.
  • Rachela Popovtzer, Amir Natan and Yosi Shacham-Diamand. “Mathematical model of whole cell based bio-chip: An electrochemical biosensor for water toxicity detection”. Journal of electro-analytical chemistry 602 (1): 17-23 APR 1, 2007.
  • Tova Neufeld, Dvora Biran, Rachela Popovtzer, Tamir Erez, Eliora Z. Ron and Judith Rishpon. "Genetically Engineered pfabA pfabR Bacteria: an Electrochemical Whole Cell Biosensor for Detection of Water Toxicity". Analytical Chemistry, 78 (14): 4952-4956 Jul 2006.
  • Rachela Popovtzer, Tova Neufeld, Eliora Z. Ron, Judith Rishpon, and Yosi Shacham-Diamand. " Electrochemical ‘Lab-on-a-Chip’ for Toxicity Detection in Water" NSTI Nanotech , VOL 2, Technical Proceeding: 205-208, 2006.
  • Rachela Popovtzer, Tova Neufeld, Eliora Z. Ron, Judith Rishpon, and Yosi Shacham-Diamand. "Novel Integrated Electrochemical Nano-Bio-Chip for Toxicity Detection in Water". Nano Letters 5 (6): 1023-1027, June 2005.


  • Brain permeable multifunctional system and uses thereof. Rachela Popovtzer, Oshra Betzer, SAGIV Yuval SAGIV, Revital Mandil-Levin, Adam A Antebi. US20240293561A1; 2024.
  • Nano-Delivery System and Therapeutic and Diagnostic Use Thereof. Rachela Popovtzer, Oshra Betzer and Menachem Motiei; US20230120902A1
  • Polymeric Core-Shell Particles; Rachela Popovtzer, US20210228750A1, 2021
  • Delta Receptor Agonist Pepetides and Use Thereof. Gal Yadid, Michael Firer, Rachela Popovtzer. US20170291922A1
  • Glucose Conjugated Gold Nanoparticle, Rachela Popovtzer, Menachem Motiei, Tamar Dreifuss, US20170189560 A1
  • Immuno-targeted plasmonic nanoparticles for spectroscopic detection of colon cancer. R. Popovtzer, D. Fixler, M. Motiei, R. Ankri and D. Peretz. U.S. Patent # 61/820,190, issued: May-2013.
  • Electrochemical methods of detecting colon cancer cells and use of same for diagnosing and monitoring treatment of the disease. J. Rishpon, R. Popovtzer, Y. Shacham-Diamand, T. Neufeld and S. Vernick. U.S. Patent 20120288877. Issued: Nov. 2012.
  • Hemodialysis System; Rachela Popovtzer and Yossi Machtai. U.S. Patent # 2012/050317, issued: Aug. 2012.
  • Real-time detection of tumor margins using photothermal imaging of immune-targeted gold nanoparticles; Kobi Jakobsohn, Menachem Motiei, Moshe Sinvani, Zeev Zalevsky and Rachela Popovtzer. U.S. Patent # 61/659,444, issued: June 2012.


  • Rachela Popovtzer, Tova Neufeld, Eliora Z. Ron, Judith Rishpon, and Yosi Shacham-Diamand. "Electrochemical Detection of Biological Reactions using a Novel Nano-Bio-Chip Array", Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 119 (2): 664-672 Feb, 2006


  • Tamar Dreifuss, Eran Barnoy, Menachem Motiei, Rachela Popovtzer; “Theranostic Gold Nanoparticles for CT Imaging”, Design and Applications of Nanoparticles in Biomedical Imaging, Springer, 2016
  • Malka Shilo, Menachem Motiei and Rachela Popovtzer; "Nanoparticles in Computed Tomography". Nanotechnology in Modern Medical Imaging and Interventions, Nova Publishers, 2013
  • Y. Shacham-Diamand, R. Almog, R. Daniel, A. Rabner and R Popovtzer, "Nano-Bio Interfacing with Living Cells Biochips" Handbook of Nanophysics: Nanomedicine and Nanorobotics" CRC Press, 2010.
  • R. Popovtzer, Y. Shacham-Diamand and J. Rishpon, "An electrochemical biochip for the detection of pollutants" Edited by Martin Rothlisberger "Handbook Of Biosensors And Biochips" John Wiley & Sons, UK, 2006.
  • R. Popovtzer, J. Rishpon and Y. Shacham-Diamand, "Nano-bio electrochemical interfacing – linking cell biology and micro-electronics" Edited by T. Osaka, M. Datta and Y. Shaham-Diamond, "New Frontiers in Electrochemical Sciences and Technology" Springer, 2006.

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