
October 2024

Congratulations to our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Shir Hochwald-Liber, on being selected for Science Abroad and Israel Innovation Authority's prestigious ScienceMent Leadership Program!


September 2024

Congratulations to our PhD student Adi Anaki for winning a BINA Prize for her publication in Nanoscale Advances!


September 2024

Congratulations to our PhD student Shiri Katzir for winning Best Poster Award at the Annual Faculty of Engineering conference!


September 2024

Our post doctoral fellow, Dr. Shir Hochwald-Liber, gave an excellent talk on her research at the Reichman University Frontiers in Synthetic Biology and Bioconvergence Conference!


September 2024

Our new paper, "Impact of synthesis methods on the functionality of antibody-conjugated gold nanoparticles for targeted therapy", in Nanoscale Advances, is out.
Great job by our PhD student Adi Anaki who led this research!
Click on the link below for access:
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August 2024

The Council for Higher Education's Planning and Budgeting Committee has awarded our co-proposal together with Prof. Sharon Rothstein and Prof. Haim Cohen of BIU, with a Unique Infrastructural Research Equipment grant for establishing of a cutting-edge Pre-Clinical Imaging Facility!


July 2024

Congratulations to my post-doc fellow Chen Tzror Azankot for receiving her Doctor of Philosophy degree in the ceremony on campus this week! Extremely proud of her dedication and achievements.


June 2024

Very proud of my MSc student Idan Katzir for receiving the Rector's Award for Outstanding Students! Congratulations!


June 2024

Congratulations to our MSc students, Revital Stolov-Rotbaum and Osher Badur, for receiving their Bachelor degrees with honors!


May 2024

Our post-doc fellow Chen Tzror Azankot gave an excellent seminar on her doctoral research on biomedical applications for liposomal drug delivery system!


May 2024

Rachela gave a talk on the lab's collaborative research with Dr. Violaine Goidts of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), at the joint MOST-DKFZ seminar in Heidelberg. As part of this research, we are developing a nanocarrier for drug delivery to glioblastoma.


April 2024

Excellent talk given by our postdoc Dr. Chen Tzror-Azankot, on her research project, Nanosweets: Nanoparticles for Targeted Radiotherapy, at the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology!


March 2024

It was a pleasure to have taken part in the research of Prof. Jonathan Leor's group, uncovering a unique pathway connecting heart disease to cancers.
The study was led by Prof. Leor's MD-PhD student Tal Caller. Special thanks to our lab manager Menachem Motiei and MSc student Idan Katzir for their contribution!
The study was published in Circulation,
doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066911
or- Click on the link below for access!
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February 2024

Congratulations to our PhD student Adi Anaki for being accepted to Teva Pharmaceuticals's Bio-Innovation Fellowship and Mentorship program! Good Luck Adi!


January 2024

We are happy to share that our lab has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept grant for our project, Golden-ADC, a novel nanotechnology approach for antibody-drug conjugates.


December 2023

Congratulations to our post doc fellow Chen Tzror-Azankot for the birth of her son!


December 2023

Congratulations to our postdoc fellow Chen Tzror-Azankot for winning the Ministry of Science's Shulamit Aloni Entrepreneurial Postdoctoral scholarship!


September 2023

Congratulations to our PhD student, Chen Tzror-Azankot, for winning the Barenholz Award for Significant Accomplishments in Translational Delivery Science!


September 2023

Our new collaborative study with Dr. Eli Rosenbaum of Rabin Medical Center has just been published in Cancer Nanotechnology.
Our paper presents gold nanoparticles for preventing cisplatin nephrotoxicity in bladder cancer.
Read it here:
Or click on the link below!
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August 2023

Congratulations to our PhD student Chen Tzror-Azankot for winning the prize for an outstanding publication, from the Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA)!


July 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Marianna Beiderman for completing her doctoratal research in our lab! The whole lab is proud of you.


May 2023

Our lab was delighted to participate in an episode of "How Does This Impact Me?", and share the research done in our lab on nanomedicine for brain disease.

Watch here:
Or click on the link below!
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May 2023

It was an honor and a pleasure to have Ambassador of Germany to Israel, Mr. Steffen Seibert, visit my lab and tell him about our joint research with Dr. Violaine Goidts from DKFZ German Cancer Research Center. Together we are developing and studying nanomedicne for treatment of brain tumors. Thank you, Mr. Seibert, for your interest, warm words and support!


May 2023

Excellent talk by our PhD student, Chen Tzror Azankot, together with PhD student Sizèd van Enk, of Violaine Goidts lab in DKFZ, at the joint German-Israeli Cooperation on Cancer Research of the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology and the DKFZ !
They presented our collaborative project on brain delivery of a tumor-specific peptide therapy for glioblastoma.


February 2023

Extremely proud of our PhD students Adi Anaki and Chen Tzror-Azankot, and my postdocs Shir Hochwald Liber and Yossi Mizrachi, for the excellent talks they gave at the Annual BINA BIU conference!
Adi on novel bispecific nanoparticles, Shir and Yossi on their innovative synthetic biology-based biochip, and Chen for her prize winning talk on sweet nanoparticles for targeted radiation therapy. Fantastic job!


February 2023

Congratulations to our PhD student, Chen Tzror Azankot, for successfully completing Teva's National Forum for BioInnovators program for exceptional PhD students in the field of translational biomedicine!
And good luck next year in your role as Mentor in the Forum!


December 2022

A new paper in collaboration between our lab and Dr. Alexey Lipengolts, of Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology, has just been published in International Journal of Molecular Science: "CT and MRI Imaging of Theranostic Bimodal Fe3O4@Au Nanoparticles in Tumor Bearing Mice".


December 2022

Congratulations to our PhD student Chen Tzror-Azankot for winning Best Poster Award at the Israel Society for Biotechnology Engineering (ISBE) conference!


December 2022

Our lab won funding from the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology for development of a synthetic biology-based biochip for early detection of gut disease.


November 2022

Congratulations to our postdoctoral fellows Dr. Shir Hochwald Liber and Dr. Yossi Ben David, who both won the prestigious Postdoctoral Entrepreneurial Scholarship from the Ministry of Science and Technology! In continuation of our collaborative project together with Prof. Ehud Benin's lab, the two founded an innovative venture,, to develop a biochip for rapid, efficient and non-invasive microbiome-based monitoring of inflammatory bowel diseases.


November 2022

Our new paper, "Phosphate-Trapping Liposomes for Long-Term Management of Hyperphosphatemia", has just been published in Materials (special issue on Advanced Functional Materials for Biomedicinal Applications). The paper presents a new concept of phosphate-trapping liposomes, for effective and long-term control over serum phosphate levels to improve current management of hyperphosphatemia.

Click on the link for access!
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October 2022

Our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Shir Hochwald-Liber, gave an excellent talk at the annual conference of the BIU Faculty of Engineering, on her research on a synthetic biology-based bio-chip for early detection of inflammatory bowel disease.


October 2022

Pleased to share our new paper together with Prof. Aron Popovtzer of Hadassah Medical Center (HUJI), "Antibody Delivery into the Brain by Radiosensitizer Nanoparticles for Targeted Glioblastoma Therapy", in Journal of Nanotheranostics!
The study is the first demonstration that insulin-coated nanoparticles shuttle antibodies across the blood brain barrier, and specifically target a glioblastoma tumor, to enable targeted radiotherapy.
The study was led by first author & physician scientist Dr. Omer Gal, and we thank Dinorah Friedmann-Morvinski of TAU, and the excellent teams, for their collaboration!

Click on the link for access!
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October 2022

Congratulations to our to our doctoral student, Chen Tzror Azankot, for her winning project in the Council for Higher Education’s Competition for Outstanding Student’s Proof-of-Concept Phase projects! Her innovative project, ‘SWEET Nanoparticles’, develops a unique nanoparticle-based technology for targeted delivery of radiation directly to tumors and metastases, while reducing damage to healthy tissue. The award will support maturiation of the project to business realization. The project is conducted in collaboration with UnBox Ventures at BIU.


September 2022

Our new paper in collaboration with Prof. Xiangyang Shi of Donghua University, China, has just been published in Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. Our paper presents a novel dual-modal nanoprobe for real-time in vivo monitoring of genetically engineered T cells, using fluorescence imaging and computed tomography imaging. The nanoprobe can provide crucial data on functionality of T cell-based immunotherapy.
Check it out in the link below.
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August 2022

Congratulations to our PhD student Adi Anaki for winning the prestigious Council for Higher Education's Levtzion Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students! We're all very proud!


July 2022

We are proud and delighted to share that our lab has won a prestigious Israel Science Foundation Research Grant, for our research project: "Uncovering Mechanisms and Function of Small Extracellular Vesicles as Tumor-Targeted Delivery Vehicles Using Gold Nanoparticles".


June 2022

Prof. Popovtzer gave a talk in the 'Metals in Medicine' Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, on the topic of "The Beauty of Gold: Endless Configurations for Personalized Cancer and Brain Disease Therapies".


March 2022

We are honored and excited to share that our lab has won a prestigious ERC Consolidator grant, for our BrainCRISPR project. In this project, our lab will develop innovative nanotechnology for delivery of CRISPR to the brain.

For details see the link below!
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February 2022

Kudos to our PhD students Chen Tzror-Azankot and Amy Sarah Benjamin for presenting at the Annual Conference of the BIU Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials.


January 2022

Congratulations to our postdoc fellow, Dr. Shir Hochwald Liber, for the birth of her twin daughters!


January 2022

Congragulations to our talented student, Chen Tzror-Azankot! She has won a 2022 Teva-NFBI (National Forum for BioInnovators) PhD fellowship. The award, issued by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, focuses on advancing research in the field of biologics-based therapeutics performed in academic and medical institutions in Israel and advancing entrepreneurship training in the biomed field.


November 2021

Congratulations to our medical intern researcher, Dr. Oded Cohen, for winning the Israeli Medical Association Award for Outstanding Basic Research! Dr. Cohen studied the tracking of exosomes labeled with gold nanoparticles in head and neck cancer.


October 2021

Our new study, titled "Noninvasive Tracking of Natural Killer Cells Using Gold Nanoparticles", has been published in ACS Omega.
Click on the link below for access!
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October 2021

Our lab has won a prestegious Ministry of Defense grant, together with Prof. Ehud Banin, for developing a synthetic biology-based NanoBioChip for real-time detection of biochemical signals.


October 2021

Kudos to our PhD students Adi Anaki (featured) and Chen Tzror Azankot, for their fascinating poster presentations at the joint ICRS-PAT conference in Maalot!


September 2021

Excellent talk given by our PhD student Chen Tzror-Azankot, at the Annual Engineering Faculty Conference!


September 2021

Congratulations to our MSc students Coral Cohen and Omri Perry, for winning the BIU Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Stipend for Outstanding Students!


July 2021

Congratulations to our post doc fellow, Shir Hochwald-Liber, and our PhD students, Chen Tzror-Azankot and Marianna Beiderman, for winning the Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Award for outstanding publications!


June 2021

Exciting news! Our cooperative project, together with Dr. Violaine Goidts of DKFZ, was selected for funding by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). The project will develop an exosome nanosystem for brain delivery of a glioblastoma-specific peptide therapy.


May 2021

The Marker magazine features NanoCarry Therapeutics, a recent graduate of the BIU Unbox Entrepreneurship Center, which has recently raised a seed investment from the NfX fund. The company, led by Dr. Revital Mandil-Levin, arose from a study by Prof. Rachela Popovzer and Dr. Oshra Betzer, to develop a nanoparticle-based platform for drug delivery. The company will create innovative avenues for life-saving treatments for millions of patients with currently uncurable diseases.
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April 2021

Our doctoral student, Chen Tzror-Azankot, appears in a special interview for the Faculty of Engineering Newsletter. She tells all about her research on liposomes, for distinguishing between tumors and inflammation, and its significant implications for diagnosis and treatment of cancer. She also shares about her personal experience in the lab and Faculty.
Click on the link below to read!
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January 2021

Check out our newly published paper, entitled " 'Golden' exosomes as delivery vehicles to target tumors and overcome intratumoral barriers: in vivo tracking in a model for head and neck cancer", published in Biomaterials Science!

Click on the link for details.
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January 2021

Check out our new paper, "Glucose-Functionalized Liposomes for Reducing False Positives in Cancer Diagnosis", published in ACS Nano.
Click on the link for details.
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December 2020

Congratulations to our MSc student, Jacqueline Labovitz, for winning the prestigious Golda Meir Fellowship for Women in Science in the Academy and Industry!


December 2020

Prof. Popovzer gave a talk about the power of AI and digital for detection and healing of cancer, on the new online show, "Digital Mindset", hosted by Yaakov Elon.
Click on the link below for more details!
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November 2020

Congratulations to Eran Barnoy, Moran Berkman, and Shir Liber, for receiving their doctorate degree! The entire lab is extremely proud of you all!


October 2020

Prof. Popovtzer gave an engaging talk at the World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) Virtual 2020 Live, entitled "Seeing is Believing: Tracking the Movement of Cells and Exosomes Within Our Body".


September 2020

Our post doc fellow Dr. Shir Howchwald-Liber was interviewed about her research work, and winning the prestigious Israeli Academy of Sciences fellowship grant.
Click on the link for details!
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September 2020

Congratulations to our post-doctoral fellow, Dr. Shir Hochwald-Liber, for winning the prestigious Israel Academy of Sciences Scholarship for her exceptional research, "Quorum Sensing Biochip for Microbial Diagnosis and Therapy"!

Read more about Dr. Shir Hochwald-Liber's research here:
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August 2020

Our new paper is out! "Gold Nanorod-Based Bio-Barcode Sensor Array for Enzymatic Detection in Biomedical Applications", just accepted to ACS Applied Nano Materials. We demonstrate a novel bio-barcode sensor incorporating plasmonic and fluorescent-enhancing nanotechnologies, and with logic operations, including AND, OR and XOR.


May 2020

"Nanoparticle contrast agents for X-ray imaging applications": New review published in WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, in collaboration with Prof. David Cormode's group at University of Pennsylvania. Kudos for the great work!


March 2020

Check out our newest publication! "Multifunctional Dendrimer-Entrapped Gold Nanoparticles for Labeling and Tracking T Cells Via Dual-Modal Computed Tomography and Fluorescence Imaging", published in Biomacromolecules.
The study is part of our joint Israel-China research project with Prof. Xiangyang Shi of Donghua University, Shanghai, and which is funded by an Israel Ministry of Science and Technology grant.
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February 2020

Our PhD student, Noy Elmaliach, presented her work entitled "Gold nanoparticle-labeled exosomes as vehicles for tumor targeting", at the annual conference of the Bar Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials.


December 2019

Honored to participate in the Malta IX Frontiers of Science conference for Research and Education in the Middle East as a Bridge to Peace. This important conference had very good vibes and promoted important scientific cooperation.


December 2019

Congratulations to our PhD students, Noy and Marianna, and our post-docs Oshra and Moran, for winning prestigious research grants from the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology!


December 2019

Congratulations to our PhD student Marianna Beiderman for winning the prestigious Ministry of Science and Technology travel grant to the International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology in Japan!


November 2019

Our lab has received the prestigious German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development Award, for research entitled "Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Early Diagnosis of Amyloidogenic Diseases". In this research, BIU cooperates with the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany.


September 2019

Congratulations to our PhDs students, Noy Elmaliach and Jacqueline Labovitz, for winning the Nano Center Scholarship for Outstanding Students!


August 2019

Prof. Popopvtzer and team were hosted for an engaging visit at Prof. Shi's lab and the impressive scientific exhibition, in the State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials of Donghua University, Shanghai, China.
The visit was part of our Israel-China research cooperation, supported by the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, and China's One Belt One Road initiative.


August 2019

Congratulations to our PhD student, Chen Zror-Azenkot, on the birth of her daughter!


June 2019

Congratulations to Chen Zror-Azenkot and Tal Shachar Ben-Gal for receiving their MSc degrees, both Magna Cum Laude!


June 2019

Our paper, "Golden Exosomes Selectively Target Brain Pathologies in Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Disorders", has been featured on the June cover of Nano Letters.
Click on the link for access!
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June 2019

Congratulations! Our article, 'Cisplatin-conjugated gold nanoparticles as a theranostic agent for head and neck cancer', published in Head & Neck, is one of the journal's top 20 most read papers of the year!


May 2019

Check out our newest publication in Nano Letters, "Golden Exosomes Selectively Target Brain Pathologies in Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Disorders".
Click the link below for access!
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March 2019

Prof. Popovtzer gave a talk on nanoparticles in medicine, at the Biennial Conference on Science & Diplomacy, under the auspices of M.K. Ofir Akunis (center), the Minister of Science and Technology. Dr. Andrei Broisman (left), Director of Applied Science and Engineering at the Ministry of Science was also part of this conference.


February 2019

Our PhD student Chen Ztror-Azankot gave an excellent talk on her research of PET-compatible liposomes for specific tumor detection at the annual BINA conference.


February 2019

Our PhD student Marianna Beiderman gave an exellent talk on her research at the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2019.


January 2019

Our lab was honored to welcome Prof. Meifang Zhu, Prof. Shi Xiangyang, and Prof. Shengyuan Yang from the College of Materials Science and Engineering, Donghua University, China. Our joint Israel-China research cooperation is supported by the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology and China's 'One Belt One Road' initiative.


January 2019

Congratulations and kudos to our Phd student Chen Zror-Azankot, for receiving the distinguished Jabotinsky award for applied research in engineering!


December 2018

A novel technology developed by the Popovtzer lab together with Prof. Cyrille Cohen of BIU, is featured in Globes magazine, as part of an article on promising discoveries from the largest universities in Israel.
The article features our technology, enabling fast image-guided stratification using targeted gold nanoparticles for cancer immunotherapy.
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December 2018

Congratulations to our post-doc Dr. Oshra Betzer, and our PhD students Marianna Biederman and Chen Tzror-Azenkot, for being awarded prestigious Women in Science scholarships from the Ministry of Science and Technology!


October 2018

Our lab welcomes our research partner, Prof. Zhuang Liu, of Soochow University, China! Prof. Liu gave a fascinating talk at the Nano-IL conference, followed by a tour of Jerusalem.
Our Israel-China research is supported by the Israel Science Foundation.


October 2018

Our PhD student Chen Tzror-Azenkot presented her research on liposomes for cancer diagnosis, at the Israeli Chapter of the Controlled Release Society conference.
*Pictured: Chen discussing her research with Hezi Bernholtz, co-inventor of the liposomal cancer drug Doxil.


August 2018

Congratulations to our PhD students Rinat Meir and Oshra Betzer, for winning postdoctoral scholarships for Outstanding Students from the Fullbright Foundation and the Council for Higher Education!


June 2018

Congratulations to Oshra Betzer, Tamar Dreifuss and Rinat Meir, for receiving their doctoral degrees! The whole lab team is extremely proud of your dedication and achievements!

Congratulations to Renana Opochinsky on the birth of her son

June 2018

Congratulations to our PhD student Eran Barnoy on the birth of his son!


May 2018

Check out our new Spotlight piece in Trends in Cancer: 'Nanoinformatics Revolutionizes Personalized Cancer Therapy', as well as our two new publications in Nanomedicine. Access though the link below and the Publications tab.
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May 2018

Horizon 2020, Nanoparticles for muscle regeneration: Our consortium meeting after first 6 months of research


April 2018

Check out the new site for our Horizon 2020 project! "nTRACK: Multimodal nanoparticles for structural and functional tracking of stem cell therapy on muscle regeneration".
Click on the link below for access!
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April 2018

Our PhD student Rinat Meir was awarded a prestigious Fullbright Post-Doc Fellowship. Congratulations and good luck!


February 2018

Congratulations to our PhD student, Tamar Dreifuss, for winning the 2018 Biomedical Engineering award for outstanding students!


February 2018

Our PhD student Eran Barnoy gave an excellent talk at the SPIE conference in San Francisco.


February 2018

Rachela, as well as our PhD student Eran Barnoy, gave excellent talks at the Nano Center BINA Conference. Congratulations to our PhD students Tamar Driefuss and Oshra Betzer for winning the BINA NanoArt competition!


February 2018

Congratulations to Reut for the approval of her doctoral thesis!
Congratulations to Renana for the approval of her Master's thesis!


January 2018

We met with our collaborator, Prof. Zhuang Liu, of the Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Soochow University. Thank you for your warm hospitality, and anticipating a fruitful collaboration!


December 2017

Our recent study was featured on the cover of Head and Neck.
The paper, entitled 'Cisplatin-conjugated gold nanoparticles as a theranostic agent for head and neck cancer', can be found in the Publications section, and at DOI: 10.1002/hed.24935.


November 2017

Warm congratulations, Rachela, for winning the Leon and Maria Taubenblatt Prize for Excellence in Medical Research, 2017! The prize is for research on theranostic nanoparticles for future personalized medicine. Your whole team is very proud!


November 2017

Congratulations to our graduate student Tal-Shahar Ben-Gal, and our doctoral student Marianna Biderman, who both received prestigious scholarships from the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Tal-Shachar won a scholarship for use of gold nanoparticles as unique immunotherapeutics. Mariana won a scholarship for study of nanoscale barcodes for the identification of biological processes within the body.

sci day

November 2017

Watch our team in an engaging demonstration for kids and their parents, explaining all about "The Golden Era", on Bar Ilan Science Day!
Click on the link below.
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Congratulations to Tamar Dreifuss on the birth of her daughter

November 2017

Congratulations to our PhD student, Rinat Meir, on the birth of her daughter!


November 2017

Congratulations to our lab for winning a Magneton grant from the Israel Innovation Authority, for development of a nanoparticle-based radioactive marker for cancer detection, allowing differentiation between tumor and inflammation for the first time.


October 2017

Our latest research published in Theranostics is featured on the December cover of the journal.
We show that personalized, targeted gold nanoparticles based on molecular profiling of tumors can enhance radiotherapy of cancer.
Read the full paper here: ,
or check the Publications tab for more details.


October 2017

European Union's Horizon 2020 awards €8.6 Million to our nTRACK project led by Prof. Popovtzer.
The nTRACK project, a joint European Consortium research, aims to develop an imaging method that will enable non-invasive monitoring of stem cells for regenerative therapy.
Read Ha'aretz's coverage of the project here:
or click on 'More news'/'Read more' below.
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October 2017

Channel 10 interviewed our PhD student Oshra Betzer about our new Horizon 2020 project, which will develop a multimodal nanoparticle for structural and functional tracking of stem cells within the body.
Click on the link below to watch!
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September 2017

Our lab recently attended the annual BIU Faculty of Engineering conference. Our MSc student, Renana Opochinski, gave an excellent talk, and our PhD students presented posters. See more under the Lab Life tab in the main Menu.


August 2017

Check out our newest publications!
In ACS Nano, Theranostics, Nanomedicine, Journal of Biophotonics, and Wiley Inderdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology.
Click on the Publications tab in the Menu for full texts.


July 2017

Our new review on non-invasive tracking of therapeutic cells, using CT and gold nanoparticles, is now featured on WIREs' Advanced Science News. Please click below for access.
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July 2017

Congratulations to our Lab Manager, Dr. Menachem Motiei, who has just received his second (!) MSc degree, in Public Health and Health System Management. This degree now joins his post doctorate in Bioengineering, his PhD in Pharmacology, and his MSc in Physical Chemistry. Keep up the great work!


June 2017

Our PhD student Eran Barnoy won the Excellence Award for Medical Optics short lectures at the 2017 ISMBE Biomedical Engineering conference. Congratulations!


June 2017

Our MSc student Renana Opochinsky won the Excellence Award for Nanomedicine short lectures at the 2017 ISMBE Biomedical Engineering conference. Congratulations!


June 2017

Our lab has won the prestigious NIH Cutting-Edge Basic Research Award, for highly innovative and conceptually creative research that is high-risk and potentially high-impact. The proposal won a top score, for studying treatment of cocaine addiction with gold nanoparticle-labeled mesenchymal stem cells. The research will be conducted together with Prof. Yadid of Bar Ilan's Brain Research center. Congratulations!

Oshra ISMBE prize1

May 2017

Congratulations to our PhD student, Oshra Betzer, for winning the Excellence Prize of the Israeli Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE), for her outstanding achievements in studies and research, commendable motivation, and significance of her PhD research to the field of Biomedical Engineering.

Barnoy Liposomes with Gold Nanorods and FITC Fluorescence Lifetime

March 2017

Congratulations to our PhD student Eran Barnoy for winning the NanoArt competition at the Bar Ilan Academy of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Conference, Ein Gedi, 2017. Eran's fluorescence lifetime image shows dried liposomes, containing fluorescent dye and gold nanorods. The color variation expresses the different states of fluorescent dye binding in the liposome.

Inbal Prize

December 2016

Congratulations to our lab member, Dr. Inbal Hazkany, for receiving the the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) prize for Outstanding Basic Research. The ceremony was held in the presence of the IMA chairman, the Scientific Council members and all six outstanding prizewinning researchers. Dr. Hazkany studied the impact of molecular profiling guided targeted gold nanoparticles on radiosensitivity of metastatic salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma.

WIMC NY_clearest

December 2016

Our PhD students Oshra Betzer, Tamar Dreifuss and Rinat Meir participated in the World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) in New York, after all three won travel grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology for presenting their research in the conference.


December 2016

Our research on non-invasive, quantitative and longitudinal cell tracking with gold nanoparticle-based CT imaging was reviewed by Philip Hunter in EMBO Reports (Hunter P, 17(12), Dec 2016), as a promising method for tracking of manifold cell types and prediction of treatment outcome, including cancer immunotherapy, treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and more. Follow the "read more" link for the special report!
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Congratulations to Renana Opochinsky on the birth of her son

July 2016

Congratulations to Renana Opochinsky on the birth of her son.

Congratulations to Malka Shilo for receiving her PhD degree

July 2016

Congratulations to Malka Shilo for receiving her PhD degree.

Congratulations to Dr. Inbal Hazkany

July 2016

Congratulations to Dr. Inbal Hazkany for winning the prize for Excellence in Basic Research from the Israeli Medical Scientific Council, for her research entitled “The impact of molecular profiling guided targeted gold nanoparticles on radiosensitivity of metastatic salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma”.

Rinat Meir presented her research on “Tracking cancer-specific T-cells in vivo with CT imaging”

June 2016

PhD student Rinat Meir presented her research on “Tracking cancer-specific T-cells in vivo with CT imaging”, at the CLINAM conference for Clinical Nanomedicine in Bazel, Switzerland.

Congratulations to PhD candidate Rinat Meir

May 2016

Congratulations to PhD candidate Rinat Meir for winning the Dan David Prize Scholarship for young researchers. The international Dan David Prize doctoral scholarships are given annually to outstanding researchers from around the world. The prestigious prize is awarded for innovative and interdisciplinary research

Congratulations to PhD student Oshra Betzer

May 2016

Oshra Betzer, Rinat Meir and Tamar Dreifuss was awarded a travel expenses stipend from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, for active participation in the international conference WMIS World Molecular Imaging Society that will be held in NYC in September 2016.

PhD candidate Rinat Meir

April 2016

Congratulations to PhD candidate Rinat Meir, awarded the Wolf Foundation Scholarship. The Wolf foundation awards international prizes to outstanding scientists and artists for achievements in the interest of mankind.

Congratulations to Oshra Betzer for winning a travel grant

April 2016

Congratulations to Oshra Betzer for winning a travel grant to participate and present her poster, entitled "Nanoparticle-based CT Imaging Technique for Stem Cell Tracking within the brain", at the 3rd BIRAX conference for Regenerative Medicine, Oxford University, UK.

Congratulations to Rinat Meir for winning a travel grant

April 2016

Congratulations to Rinat Meir for winning a travel grant to participate and present her poster, entitled “Tracking Cancer-Specific T-cells in vivo with CT Imaging”, at the BIRAX Conference for Regenerative Medicine at Oxford University, UK.

Congratulations to Tamar Dreifuss on the birth of her daughter

April 2016

Congratulations to Tamar Dreifuss on the birth of her daughter.

Our lab welcomes Professor Mostafa El-Sayed

February 2016

Our lab welcomes Prof. Mostafa El-Sayed, an Egyptian-American chemical physicist, a leading nanoscience researcher, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a US National Medal of Science laureate. Prof. El-Sayed heads the laser dynamics Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology .

Oshra Betzer

February 2016

PhD student Oshra Betzer presented a poster entitled "Nanoparticle-based CT Imaging Technique for Stem Cell Tracking within the brain", at the Nano-Israel conference, Tel Aviv.

Congratulations to PhD student Oshra Betzer

January 2016

Congratulations to PhD students Oshra Betzer and Tamar Dreifuss for winning a three-year scholarship for Bio-medical engineering for Outstanding Students, granted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (2016-2018).

PhD student Oshra Betzer

December 2015

Congratulations to our PhD student Oshra Betzer for receiving the best poster award at the 3rd conference of the Israel Society for Biotechnology Engineering (ISBE), for her study entitled "Nanoparticle-based CT Imaging and quantitative stem cell tracking within the brain: application in neuropsychiatric disorders

Oshra Betzer presented her research

December 2015

Oshra Betzer presented her research, entitled "Stem-cells therapy for drug addiction combined with nanotechnology-based CT imaging", at the Israel Society for Neuroscience (ISFN) conference in Eilat.


September 2015

Prof. Rachela Popovtzer has been named by Globes financial magazine as one of the 50 most influential women in Israel.
Follow the link below to read more!
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